The Digital World and English


Over the past decade writing has evolved with the up and coming digital world taking over. Keyboards have taken over and almost completely removed the pen and paper method. With this new frontier other methods of writing have been born. Text messaging and tweets are two most powerful writing methods that are the result of a booming digital world.  A method of writing that instead of using pen or pencil, the individual uses fingers to create short sentences to reach to friends, family, followers, or fans around the globe. With these new methods news ways of thinking emerge and new styles of writing to go with it.

            Over the past few years I have been using the digital world more and more. Whether it be writing papers for class, texting friends and family, or writing a post online I have realized that about ninety percent of all my writing is done digitally. The only time I see myself using pen and paper is working out homework in math class or writing note cards for a class. With this adaptation of writing I have noticed myself making changes in my writing style. I had to discover new ways to get my point across, for the reader to understand where I was coming from. This change was primarily with my writings with text and posts on websites. These new forms of writing reach out to several individuals at one time unlike the method of pen and paper that more times than not was meant only for one individual eye.

            Although posts and texts have changed my method of writing, English papers using a keyboard have not. The methods are still the same just more user friendly for the student. Regardless if it is completed in a serious manner or just rough drafts, my methods for writing papers has only changed in the sense that now I have tools at my disposal to better my writing. I now have spell check, thesaurus, different methods for changing font styles, or adding colors or bullet points. My thought process is still the same for the completion of whatever assignment I am given. I still brainstorm and type out my ideas as well as type out my rough drafts just like if I was using pen and paper. I approach all my blog assignments the same way as I would type out a paper as well. There is very little deviation to my process regardless of how my paper is written. I do not feel just that just because I am using a keyboard that I should change my writing style. I am content with my practices and see no reason to start changing them now.

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